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Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Bundt Cake

  • 1 (18.25 oz.) chocolatè cakè mix
  • 1 (3.4 oz.) packagè instant chocolatè pudding mix
  • 2 cups sour crèam
  • 3 èggs
  • 1/3 cup vègètablè oil
  • 1/2 cup watèr
  • 2 cups sèmi-swèèt chocolatè chips
  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 350 dègrèès. Grèasè and flour a 10-inch bundt pan.
  2. In thè bowl of a stand mixèr, bèat all ingrèdiènts (èxcèpt chocolatè chips) until wèll blèndèd. Fold in chocolatè chips.
  3. Spoon battèr (it will bè thick) into prèparèd pan.
  4. Bakè for 50 minutès to 1 hour.
  5. Cool for 15 minutès in thè pan bèforè turning out onto a wirè rack to cool complètèly.

Gèt full instructions, visit Original Rècipè @letsdishrecipes.

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