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Recipe: Appetizing Oatmeal Rolled Cookies

Oatmeal Rolled Cookies.

Oatmeal Rolled Cookies You can have Oatmeal Rolled Cookies using 9 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Oatmeal Rolled Cookies

  1. You need 5 spoon of oatmeal.
  2. It's 1 of small pack raisen.
  3. You need 1 of egg.
  4. You need Half of cup flour.
  5. Prepare 3 spoon of cornflour.
  6. It's Half of cup brown sugar.
  7. You need Half of tsp baking soda.
  8. It's Pinch of salt.
  9. You need of Melted butter.

Oatmeal Rolled Cookies instructions

  1. Firstly mix dry ingredients first. Second, mix all wet ings. Then combined all. Then mix properly until all are properly combined. Brush the baking tray with melted butter and place the mixture. Make sure to place them apart because it will rise while baking..
  2. Pre heat oven for 250 degrees. Bake for 10 mins.

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