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Recipe: Appetizing Strawberry Peach Ice cream

Strawberry Peach Ice cream.

Strawberry Peach Ice cream You can have Strawberry Peach Ice cream using 5 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Strawberry Peach Ice cream

  1. Prepare 1 tub of strawberries.
  2. Prepare 1 of medium slices paw-paw.
  3. Prepare 250 g of KOO peach slice in syrup.
  4. It's 3 scoops of Country Fresh Vanilla Ice cream.
  5. You need 1 tablespoon of clover cream.

Strawberry Peach Ice cream step by step

  1. Slice the paw-paw in small cubes and cut the strawberries into half.
  2. Add all ingredients into a bowl and enjoy.

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